
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pregnancy: 9 Weeks

How the baby is growing?

Photo by

Your new resident is nearly an inch long — about the size of a grape — and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. She's starting to look more and more human. Her essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do her tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. Her eyes are fully formed, but her eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. She has tiny earlobes, and her mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones. Now that your baby's basic physiology is in place, she's poised for rapid weight gain.

How life's changing:

You still may not look pregnant even if your waist is thickening a bit. You probably feel pregnant, though. Not only are morning sickness and other physical symptoms out in full force for most women, but you may feel like an emotional pinball as well.

Mood swings are common now — it's perfectly normal to feel alternately elated and terrified about becoming a parent. Try to cut yourself some slack. Most women find that moodiness flares up at around six to ten weeks, eases up in the second trimester, and then reappears as pregnancy winds to a close.

This Week's Activity

Start a daily ritual to connect with your baby. Diane Sanford, a clinical psychologist who focuses on pregnancy and postpartum adjustment, encourages women to set aside two five- to ten-minute periods a day to think about their baby. Just after waking up and before going to sleep works well for many expectant moms. During these times, sit quietly and gently rest your hands on your belly. Focus on your breathing and then start thinking about your baby (your hopes and dreams, your intentions as a parent, etc.). It's a great way to initiate the bonding process and to help you plan for the kind of parent you want to be.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Easy Payday Loan

Out of cash and needs it as soon as possible? Get an immediate solution to your financial problem with Easy Payday Loan. It’s the fastest way to get the cash you need since they offer quick approvals on loans with no credit checks needed with few simple requirements to meet. Apply online now and get approved quickly in an hour. It’s nationwide, wherever you are, when you need it. It’s a life saver indeed!

Sleep problem

I have not been sleeping good nowadays. my OB told me that is normal to experience this way. Hubby is getting so concerned because I only slept a couple of hours each night. I just can't get back to sleep after each time I woke up in the midde of the night to go the the bathroom. Tomorrow is my doctor's appointment and hubby's going to ask what medication the doctor can precribe for me to sleep better at night. As for me, I don't want to take any medication as much as possible because I am scared it might affect my baby's health.

The Scooter Store

If you are looking for motorized scooter for yourself or for your loved ones. Check The Scooter Store, your one stop online store that sells electric and powered scooters. One thing nice about this store is that they can work with your doctors to identify your needs and they can coordinate with your medicare or insurance benefits. Get the power mobility solution that’s right for you, visit the site now at

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pregnancy: 8 weeks

Photo by

How the baby's growing:

New this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. You may be daydreaming about your baby as one sex or the other, but the external genitals still haven't developed enough to reveal whether you're having a boy or a girl. Either way, your baby — about the size of a kidney bean — is constantly moving and shifting, though you still can't feel it.

How life's changing:

You may notice that your bra is getting more snug. Soon you'll likely need a larger size with better support. Rising levels of hormones cause breast growth and other tissue changes, all in preparation for lactation. Your breasts may continue to grow throughout pregnancy. Don't be surprised if you go up a cup size or two, especially if it's your first baby. Keep this in mind, and allow for room to grow when investing in a new bra.

Feeling fatigued? Hormonal changes — in particular, a dramatic rise in progesterone — may be contributing to your sluggishness. Nausea and vomiting can certainly cost you energy, too. And you may be having trouble getting a good night's sleep at this point, especially if you're uncomfortable or find you need to get up to pee.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Get your floral centerpiece at

Thanksgiving Day is fast approaching. This will be my second time to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with hubby and family. Last year we had a get together dinner with parents-in-laws, hubby, me and his children and hubby’s brother’s family at their home around 45 minutes away from where we live. Mom-in-law prepared most of the foods we had for dinner. We had a great time visiting with the family while having dinner around the table. The table looked so good with all the tasty foods that mom brought for everybody plus the beautiful flowers in the middle of the dining table made our thanksgiving dinner looks more festive.

By the way if you are looking for the best place to get your fresh and pretty flowers to add beauty and elegance on Thanksgiving Dinner is the place to find them. They sell different kinds of flowers and other floral centerpieces. You can choose a wide variety of floral centerpieces in their catalog online. You can get your orders online or by phone. Check and save $10 on selected flowers and gifts. I better check this site and see if I could get some flowers that I could take to mom’s place during Thanksgiving dinner. I know mom will surely love it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Holiday Foods to Avoid during Pregnancy

I would like to share this article written by Stephanie Miles at on Holiday foods to avoid during pregnancy since Thanksgiving Day is coming so soon.

Even if you've always had a stomach of iron, pregnancy weakens your immune system and makes you more vulnerable to food-borne illnesses that could make you sick and harm your baby. So it's important to avoid certain foods during pregnancy — even on special occasions.

"The risks are real, and need to be taken very seriously," says David Acheson, director and chief medical officer of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Dangerous bacteria and parasites like listeria, toxoplasma, salmonella, staphylococcus aureus, and E. coli can lurk in improperly prepared, cooked, and stored foods. And listeria and toxoplasma can cross your placenta and affect your baby even if you never feel symptoms of the illness yourself.

So if you've always licked the spoon clean of cookie dough, enjoyed Caesar salads with raw egg in the dressing, and ordered your burgers medium rare, pregnancy is a time to rethink these practices and err on the side of food safety, experts say.

Here are some tips to get you through the barbecues of the summer and the holiday buffets of the winter without feeling deprived — or endangering your baby.


On Turkey day (as on every other day) it's important to be vigilant against germs and bacteria in the kitchen. Wash your hands frequently when preparing meals and be careful to clean any surface that's come in contact with raw meat or eggs before using it again. Use separate cutting boards for poultry and produce, and keep uncooked poultry and meat chilled in the refrigerator and separate from other food items.

Don't leave leftovers out for more than two hours, and store them in shallow containers so they'll cool quickly. Make sure your refrigerator is set between 35 and 40 degrees F and your freezer at or below zero to keep cold foods from going bad.

Turkey and stuffing: Cook the turkey until it reaches an internal temperature of 180 degrees F (use a meat thermometer to check it). If you're preparing stuffing (also known as dressing), cook it outside the turkey in a separate baking dish to 165 degrees F. The inside of a stuffed turkey's cavity doesn't get hot enough to kill off harmful bacteria.

Unpasteurized cider: If hot or cold apple cider is served, make sure it's pasteurized. Unpasteurized juices — including cider — are unsafe during pregnancy because they can contain bacteria like E. coli. (Note: Almost all juice sold is pasteurized — and unpasteurized juice sold in containers is required to carry a warning label.)

Smoked meats and meat spreads: If you're serving meat spreads like pâté, or smoked meats such as smoked salmon, make sure they're canned, not from the refrigerated section of the grocery store. Refrigerated meat spreads and smoked meats can contain listeria.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ultrasound Images

Just wanna share these photos of the ultrasound I had during my first prenatal check up.

The fetus is still very tiny, the round thing you can see on the right side that looks like a head is not the head but it's the yolk sac if I remembered correctly what my doctor said.

This is the second photo using doppler we were able to hear loud and clear the fetal heartrate at 126 bpm.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ultrasound Result

My first prenatal check up yesterday went well. I'm glad hubby was with me during my ultrasound. My OB-Gyn told me she would try the abdomenal ultrasound and see if she could find the fetus visibly. She did but it wasn't clear because the fetus is still very tiny so she did the vaginal ultrasound on me and it was visibly clear. It felt so great to see my little baby and much more when we started hearing the fetal heartbeat that I almost cried. It is so amazing to hear the baby's heartbeat, we even saw on the screen how the baby's little tiny chest moved up and down as we heard the heartbeat. My baby's size at this time is 6 cm with a 126 bpm (beats per minute) which my doctor said is pretty normal. She also told me that the chances of having miscarriage went down to 10% and after my first trimester it will go down to 1 to 3%. Surely is a great news for me and hubby. We are really grateful to God for answering our prayers.

I will have my next prenatal check up on Nov. 25th in the morning and I will be seeing with the nurse to do some more check up and ask for informations on family's health background and maybe some blood work too. By the way, my doctor said that I will be due on the 4th of July 2009. How exciting is that!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pregnancy at 7 weeks

Photo by

How the baby is growing:

The big news this week: Hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs — although they look more like paddles at this point than the tiny, pudgy extremities you're daydreaming about holding and tickling. Technically, your baby is still considered an embryo and has something of a small tail, which is an extension of her tailbone. The tail will disappear within a few weeks, but that's the only thing getting smaller. Your baby has doubled in size since last week and now measures half an inch long, about the size of a blueberry.

If you could see inside your womb, you'd spot eyelid folds partially covering her peepers, which already have some color, as well as the tip of her nose and tiny veins beneath parchment-thin skin. Both hemispheres of your baby's brain are growing, and her liver is churning out red blood cells until her bone marrow forms and takes over this role. She also has an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. A loop in your baby's growing intestines is bulging into her umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from her tiny body.


Fetal Development at 7 Weeks

Week 7 Gestational Age (Fetal Age 5 weeks)

Generally from 6 ½ -7 weeks is the time when a heartbeat can be detected and viability can be assessed. A normal heartbeat at 6-7 weeks would be 90-110 beats per minute. The presence of an embryonic heartbeat is an assuring sign of the health of the pregnancy. Once a heartbeat is detected, the chance of the pregnancy continuing ranges from 70-90% dependent on what type of ultrasound is used. If the embryo is less than 5mm CRL, it is possible for it to be healthy without showing a heartbeat, though a follow up scan in 5-7 days should show cardiac activity.

If your doctor is concerned about miscarriage, blighted ovum, or ectopic pregnancy, the gestational sac and fetal pole (if visible) will be measured to determine what type of development should be seen. The guideline is that if the gestational sac measures >16-18mm with no fetal pole or the fetal pole measures 5mm with no heartbeat (by vaginal ultrasound), then a diagnosis of miscarriage or blighted ovum is made. If the fetal pole is too small to take an accurate measurement, then a repeat scan should be done in 3-5 days. If there is absence of a fetal pole, then further testing should be done to rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy.


Doctor's Appointment Today

Hubby called my OB-GYN's clinic yesterday to check if we could change my prenatal check up sooner than Friday since it's his days off since Monday until today and he wanted to be with me when I have my ultrasound done. The nurse called back hubby and said that she could set us up today at 11:10 am. Huby and I are getting ready right now for my pre-natal check up. Hopefully, we would find good news and hear the baby's heartbeat.

Wish us luck friends!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Boy or Girl? 38 Fun Ways to Guess Your Baby's Sex

Hubby and I are wondering what will be the gender of our baby to be. He wants it to be a boy but I want it to be a girl. I was checking the internet and came across this article which I find interesting. It says "38 Fun Ways to Guess Your Baby's Sex".

It's a girl if:

  • You had morning sickness early in pregnancy
  • Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute
  • You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear
  • Your left breast is larger than your right breast
  • Your hair develops red highlights
  • You are carrying high
  • Your belly looks like a watermelon
  • You are craving sweets
  • You are craving fruit
  • You crave orange juice
  • You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy
  • You are moodier than usual during pregnancy
  • Your face breaks out more than usual
  • You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread
  • Your breasts have really blossomed!
  • Your pillow faces south when you sleep
  • Your urine is a dull yellow color
  • You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves from side to side
  • You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an odd number

It's a boy if:

  • You didn't experience morning sickness in early pregnancy
  • Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute
  • You are carrying the extra weight out front
  • Your belly looks like a basketball
  • Your areolas have darkened considerably
  • You are carrying low
  • You are craving salty or sour foods
  • You are craving protein -- meats and cheese
  • Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy
  • The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy
  • Your hands are very dry
  • Your pillow faces north when you sleep
  • Dad-to-be is gaining weight, right along with you
  • Pregnancy has you looking better than ever
  • Your urine is bright yellow in color
  • Your nose is spreading
  • You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in circles
  • You are having headaches
  • You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number

Again this is just for fun. I know a lot of mommies who already had their babies will not agree to what is being said about the article. Hmmm, I'm just curious so I'm encouraging mommies out there if some of the statements above were true. Mommies you are very much welcome to leave comments about the article.

Preeclampsia Part 2

I got some more informations about Signs and Symptoms of preeclampsia and thought about posting it.


High blood pressure is a silent killer. Oftentimes, women diagnosed with preeclampsia do not feel sick. Many signs and symptoms of preeclampsia mirror other "normal" effects of pregnancy on your body. Women diagnosed with preeclampsia may feel frustrated when prescribed bedrest because they feel fine. If you feel fine, it may be hard for you or your partner to appreciate that preeclampsia is a serious condition.

What you can do...

Proper prenatal care is essential. Tests taken at these check-ups: weighing in, checking your blood pressure, dipping your urine are all done to screen for preeclampsia. Particularly after 20 weeks--do not miss your prenatal appointments. As with any pregnancy, a good prenatal diet full of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and the basic food groups is important; cutting back on processed foods, refined sugars, and cutting out caffeine, alcohol and any medication not prescribed by a physician is essential. It is also advisable to speak with your health care professional before taking any supplement, herbal or otherwise.

2.Hypertension (High blood pressure)

High blood pressure is defined as blood pressure of 140/90 or greater as measured on two separate occasions within six hours. However, a woman who normally has a low baseline blood pressure, such as 90/60, could be considered hypertensive at a blood pressure of less than that - especially if she has other symptoms. A rise in the diastolic (lower number) of 15 degrees or more, or a rise in the systolic (upper number) of 30 degrees or more is cause for concern. In 1990 the National Institutes of Health, National High Blood Pressure Education Program: Working Group Report on High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy issued the following research guidelines: In the past it has been recommended that an increase of 30 mm Hg systolic or 15 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure be used as a diagnostic criterion, even when absolute values are below 140/90 mm Hg. This definition has not been included in our criteria because the only available evidence shows that women in this group are not likely to suffer increased adverse outcomes. Nonetheless, it is the collective clinical opinion of this panel that women who have a rise of 30 mm Hg systolic or 15 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure warrant close observation, especially if proteinuria and hyperuricemia (uric acid [UA] greater than or equal to 6 mg/dL) are also present. It should also be noted that 4 members of the Preeclampsia Foundation Medical Board and our Executive Director participated in this working group. There was significant debate over removing baseline BP as diagnostic which is why the final sentence was included. The Preeclampsia Foundation continues to encourage its women, particularly those with low baseline BPs, to know their baseline and to be aware of significant changes and to make any concerns about those changes known to their health care provider.

What you can do...

Know your baseline blood pressure (your blood pressure prior to pregnancy), learn what it means, and ask, "What are my numbers" at each visit. If you are told "It's fine," repeat, "What are my numbers?" If you have had preeclampsia before or if you have chronic high blood pressure, consult a specialist, a high risk OB, or a perinatologist, about your pregnancy. You can find a perinatologist near you who specializes in hypertensive diseases of pregnancy by going to the North American Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy ( Women who have had preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy should request a full screening by a perinatologist to rule out any underlying disease or problems, such as chronic hypertension, autoimmune disorders, thrombophilias, renal disease, etc. Women with a previous history of preeclampsia should have subsequent pregnancies supervised by an obstetrician or a perinatologist. The single large risk factor for getting preeclampsia is a history of having had it before. If you are inactive or have a higher-than-average body mass index (BMI), make sure to exercise moderately and get yourself in the best shape you can. (You can calculate your BMI). Women with a BMI of 30 or higher are at an increased risk of preeclampsia and should make efforts to reduce this risk by following the advice of their doctor. Finally, you can buy your own blood pressure monitor at most pharmacies. Some pharmacies have a monitor available for your use. Keep a log of your blood pressure, taken at the same time each day, if possible, and in the same position. Share it with your care provider. If you own your own monitor, you can take it with you to your appointment and have it calibrated to match those in the office. You might also ask your doctor when they last had their monitor calibrated.

It should be noted that home monitors are not always as accurate as those in one's clinic or hospital. Home readings should not replace prenatal visits, nor should a "normal" reading mean ignoring symptoms that may be markers of preeclampsia. Home readings should only be used to help the mother be more proactive in her care.

If you are diagnosed with preeclampsia, many physicians will recommend bedrest, and in late pregnancy, lying on your left side. While health care providers don't always agree that lying on your left side will help, there is no evidence of harm. The thinking is that lying flat on your back might cause the pregnant uterus (and the weight of the baby) to restrict the vein that supplies the heart.

3.Swelling or Edema (particularly of the hands or face)

A certain amount of swelling during pregnancy is normal. Edema is the accumulation of excess fluid. It is particularly concerning when it accumulates in the face (eyes) or hands. It is normal to have trouble wearing rings throughout pregnancy.

What you can do...

Find a picture of yourself just before pregnancy. Share it with your provider if you feel your face is getting excessively puffy. If the swelling in your extremities becomes severe, you may notice pitting edema (when you press your thumb into your skin, an indentation remains for a few seconds) or discoloration of your legs. If this happens, notify your provider, put your feet up every day (but avoid sitting for extended periods) and drink water to keep hydrated.

4.Proteinuria (Protein in your urine)

Proteinuria is the result of proteins, normally confined to the blood, spilling into your urine because the small blood vessels in the kidneys become damaged. A simple dipstick test of your urine at each prenatal check-up can screen for proteinuria.

What you can do...

At each prenatal visit ask for the results of the urine test. Usually the nurse dips a reagent strip into your urine sample and then waits a minute for the results. The strips have the markings for "trace", 1+, 2+, etc. A reading of trace protein is relatively common and is usually not a cause for concern. If the strip shows a reading of 1+ or greater, it may signify the onset of preeclampsia, even if your blood pressure is less than 140/90. If you have a reading of 2+, call your health care provider immediately. If you are concerned, or have had preeclampsia before, you can buy reagent strips at some pharmacies or online. They are not cheap and insurance might not cover them.

Sometimes health care providers will have the mother take a 24-hour urine collection for a formal lab assessment. This is not a particularly pleasant task, but if you have been asked to do this, follow the directions of your health care provider carefully, and make every effort to be accurate.

Dark yellow urine is usually the result of inadequate fluid intake and dehydration. However, urine that is quite dark, reddish or the color of cola may indicate a problem. If you have any of these symptoms, inform your care provider.

5.Sudden Weight Gain

A gain of more than 2 pounds in a week or 6 pounds in a month could be cause for concern.

What you can do...

In general, eat normally and make every effort to include fresh raw fruit and vegetables, your prenatal vitamin, and a folic acid supplement in your diet. Do not diet or try to lose weight. It is important that you eat a healthy, balanced diet. Avoid excessive salt. And as always, avoid alcohol, caffeine, smoking and recreational drugs. Consult with your provider regarding non-prescription drugs and any herbal medications you might take. The Preeclampsia Foundation recognizes the importance of a good diet but does not endorse any particular diet nor juice product. Given that preeclampsia is a complex disease, women will develop it for different reasons. We encourage all women to share with their doctors any diets or product they are trying. For some women--a good diet may make a significant difference, however we urge caution when trying diets, particularly those that encourage large amounts of protein. For women with underlying kidney disease--excessive protein can be unsafe. Similarly, while some women might benefit from low-dose aspirin--studies show that it has been linked with increased placental abruption and miscarriage and so should not be taken routinely by pregnant women unless they have been advised to do so by their physician.

Be sure to drink plenty of water and get regular moderate exercise. At your prenatal visits do not attempt to disguise any weight gain by skipping breakfast, using diet pills or fasting for the day. An accurate weight is vital for a proper diagnosis.


Dull, throbbing headaches, often described as migraine-like that just won't go away.

What you can do...

Call your care provider. If you have tried taking over-the-counter medication without relief, or if the headache is very painful or you have light sensitivity, call immediately and ask to see the doctor that day.

7.Nausea or Vomiting

Nausea or vomiting is particularly significant when the onset is sudden and in the second or third trimesters.

What you can do...

Call your care provider. Nausea or vomiting can be confused with the flu, so be sure to get your blood pressure checked and ask to have your urine checked for proteinuria. Insist on both.

8.Changes in Vision

Vision changes include temporary loss of vision, sensations of flashing lights, auras, light sensitivity, and blurry vision or spots. For some women who are farsighted, vision may actually improve.

What you can do...

If you have any of these symptoms, you may be developing preeclampsia. Symptoms such as these may be associated with irritation of the central nervous system and should be taken seriously. They may be indicative of cerebral edema (swelling of the brain). It is very important that you consult with your provider as soon as possible. If he or she is not available, you should go directly to the hospital. We regard these symptoms as potentially very serious and they should not be left until the morning, tomorrow and particularly not until the end of the weekend. With preeclampsia, it is better to have the health professionals tell you it was nothing, than to take a chance that might risk your or the baby's life. No doctor ever died from seeing a woman too many times.

Racing pulse, mental confusion, heightened sense of anxiety, trouble catching your breath

If these symptoms are new to you, they could indicate an elevated blood pressure.

What you can do...

Contact your health care provider if these symptoms are new. If they are not, be sure to mention them at your next visit.

9.Stomach and/or Right Shoulder Pain

This type of stomach pain, called epigastric pain by the medical profession, is usually under the right-side ribs. It can be confused with heartburn, gallbladder problems, flu, indigestion or pain from the baby kicking. Shoulder pain is often called referral pain because it radiates from the liver under the right ribs. Lower back pain is different from muscle strain common to pregnancy. It is usually more acute and specific. All may be a sign of HELLP Syndrome or a related problem in the liver. Shoulder pain can feel like someone is deeply pinching you along the bra strap, or it can be painful to lie on your right side.

What you can do...

Pain in this area should be taken very seriously; do not dismiss it and go to bed. Call your health professional immediately.

10.Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a very common complaint of pregnancy. However, sometimes it may indicate a problem with the liver, especially if it accompanies other symptoms or preeclampsia.

What you can do...

Read also Stomach and Right Shoulder Pain (above) and mention this symptom to your health care provider. If this pain accompanies one or more of the other symptoms, you should call your health care provider immediately.


Hyperreflexia is when your reflexes are so strong that when they are checked, your leg bounces back hard.

What you can do...

This is not usually something you will notice yourself, but if you are bumped and you notice an abnormally strong reflexive response, it might merit a call to your health care provider.



I chatted with a Pinay friend last night who lives in New Mexico and asked how she was doing since she is now on her 9 months of pregnancy. He due date is supposed to be on Nov 26th but she said that her doctor recommended to have her deliver next week by induce labor because she is having preeclampsia and the reason was that her protein in her urine is above the normal level. I thought that preeclampsia occurs only when a pregnant woman's blood pressure goes high but when I searched about it there's more information that a pregnant woman should know.

Here's what I found according to

Preeclampsia is a disorder that occurs only during pregnancy and the postpartum period and affects both the mother and the unborn baby. Affecting at least 5-8% of all pregnancies, it is a rapidly progressive condition characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. Swelling, sudden weight gain, headaches and changes in vision are important symptoms; however, some women with rapidly advancing disease report few symptoms.

Typically, preeclampsia occurs after 20 weeks gestation (in the late 2nd or 3rd trimesters or middle to late pregnancy), though it can occur earlier. Proper prenatal care is essential to diagnose and manage preeclampsia. Preeclampsia, Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) and toxemia are closely related conditions. HELLP Syndrome and eclampsia are other manifestations of the same syndrome. It is important to note that research shows that more women die from preeclampsia than eclampsia and one is not necessarily more serious than the other.

Globally, preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are a leading cause of maternal and infant illness and death. By conservative estimates, these disorders are responsible for 76,000 maternal and 500,000 infant deaths each year.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Getting closer to my first prenatal check up

It's getting closer to my first prenatal check up which will be this Friday at 11:10 in the morning. I'm getting excited as well as getting nervous to see how it goes. My OB-GYN will do ultrasound to check for fetal heartbeat and I'm hoping that we will hear heartbeat this time. So far I'm feeling fine and I don't feel morning sickness yet except for feeling nauseous every now and then. I surely feel that my abdomen and boobs are getting bigger and I'm gaining weight a little bit.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Infrared Sauna

Have you been dealing with rheumatoid or arthritis, skin disorders, high blood pressures and other health problems? Have you been on medications on any of those health problems but still suffering from it? Why not ease or even totally relieve the pains by using Infrared Sauna? You think, this idea might be too expensive. Nope not at all for the price of less than $2,000 you can have your own far infrared sauna installed right in the comforts of your own home. Why spend more on different medications or doctor visits when you can spend less and get the health benefits of infrared sauna. If you want to find out more on the benefits of far infrared saunas visit
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