
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kabar knives

I am checking for knives online and search for ka bar knives because this is the kind of knife that hubby would like to have and I was surprised to find out that the price is much cheaper at compared to the stores that hubby and I went when we were looking for ka bar knives. I guess this site is the best one to check out for buying ka bar knives and other outdoor knives.

Big tummy

"Big tummy" this is what hubby told me while I am sitting here in front of my laptop as he was sitting on the couch. My tummy I guess looks so big for a 21 weeks and 4 days of pregnancy, this is what hubby told me too. I still have 4 months to go and I wonder how huge my tummy is going to be by that time.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lighting products you would want to check

Looking for a good wall light fixtures? Check which sells a wide variety of lighting products that suit your needs and your style. Whether you are looking for wall lights, chandeliers, lanterns, lamps and other types of lighting fixtures Light and Living has them all. Shop by brands and you will find a wide selection of top brands on different lighting fixtures. At Lighting and Living they are price guaranteed which means they can lower the price of the product you want especially if you see an advertised item at a lower price. For further details about Lighting and Living products, sales and promotions visit their website at

Pregnancy at 20 Weeks

It's amazing how time flies by so fast and how my tummy is getting bigger so quick. I'm at 20 weeks and 4 days of pregnancy right now and it feels good to know that I have gone this far and everything looks fine. My tummy is sticking out more and more and it gets itchy too. I bet my little boy will have a lot of hair because me and hubby have both thick hair and has natural curls too.

Here's some info on how the baby is growing at 20 weeks;

At 20 weeks he should weigh about 10 1/2 ounces and around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel - about the length of a banana. ( No wonder I could feel him more and more moving around to get some more space).

He's swallowing more these days - agood practice for his degistive system. He's also producing meconium a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).

Friday, February 13, 2009

Food supplements to boost your health

When it comes to weight loss or body building food supplements check which sells a wide variety of food supplements that best works for you. You can also find a wide selection of pet vitamins and vitamins for men and women to boost your health and slows down your aging process such as HUMANOFORT 60 CAPS. Find out more about the health benefits of this product visit the website now.

Someone wants to see the house

A realt estate agent called earlier today and informed us that someone would like to see the house tomorrow morning at 11:30 am -12:30 pm. I think it's going to be the fourth time that a real estate agent called to have the house shown to their client. I hope our property will be sold as soon as possible.

Dermabrasion and The Victorian Cosmetic Institute

Every woman wants to have a smooth and flawless skin. In today’s technology skin problems like scars, acne and other skin blemishes can be treated and make skin smooth and flawless with dermabrasion. What is dermabrasion by the way? It is a cosmetic medical procedure in which the surface of the epidermis of the skin (the stratum corneum) is removed by abrasion (sanding). Don’t you know that the Victorian Cosmetic Institute offers this kind of medical procedure since they specialized in non-surgical facial treatment? They also have the most up-to-date techniques in non-surgical procedures so when it comes to facial treatments they are the best. Finding solutions to your skin problems check their website at

How much water should you drink while pregnant?

This is what the expert's answer to the question.

You should drink at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses per day (48 to 64 fluid ounces) plus one 8-ounce cup for each hour of light activity. Juices can contribute to your fluid intake, but keep in mind that they can also provide a lot of extra calories. Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, colas, and teas don't count as part of your fluid intake because they're diuretics — they make you urinate more so you actually lose water.

Water plays many vital roles in a healthy pregnancy. Think of water as your body's transportation system — it carries nutrients through your blood to the baby. Water also helps prevent bladder infections, which are common during pregnancy. If you drink enough water, your urine will stay diluted, reducing your risk of infection.

Water can also stop constipation and help prevent hemorrhoids. Although it may seem counterintuitive, the more water you drink during pregnancy, the less water your body will retain. Also, drinking enough water prevents dehydration. This is especially important in the third trimester when dehydration can actually cause contractions that can trigger preterm labor.

Source: Jill Stovsky, exercise physiologist and dietician (

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dollhouse Miniatures

Little stuffs are cute, if you are fond of collecting miniature stuffs? check this cute website that sells dollhouse miniatures. I enjoyed looking at the different little cute things they sell on this site. Zoolabees Dollhouse Miniatures sells a wide variety of miniature stuffs to complete your dollhouse furnitures from bathroom, bedroom, dining, kitchen and a lot more. They are all so cute, so check them out.

Is it safe to be around computers all day when pregnant?

Since I became pregnant I'm always concern about doing things that might hurt my baby. I even ask myself if it's safe to be around computers because I spend a lot of time in front of my laptop. So, I check what experts say about this matter through and below is the expert's answer to this question.

Lewis Holmes, professor of pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; chief of Genetics & Teratology Unit, MassGeneral Hospital for Children, Boston

"Yes. Because computers are ubiquitous, researchers have spent millions of dollars studying whether sitting in front of one causes birth defects or miscarriage — and determined that there's no evidence that it does."

Pain in my lower right abdomen

I'm starting to have this slight pain in my lower right abdomen. If I get up from laying down or from sitting it hurts. I don't know what causes it, it's probably just squeezing my side since my baby is growing and tummy is getting bigger too. Hopefully, this won't be something to worry about.

Payday Loan

Do you need cash as soon as possible? Here’s the quickest and easiest way to apply for a Payday Loan that is absolutely no credit required. Apex Payday Loans offers a fast online payday loan services at the comfort of your own home, it’s a no fax payday loan which means you don’t need to have a fax machine because you loan is processed immediately and the money you borrow will be directly deposited to your bank account. Check it out now, Apex Payday Loans is available online 24/7. It only takes few minutes to apply and get approved in less than an hour

Sleepless night

I did not have enough sleep last night even though we went to bed as early as 8 pm since hubby and I usually wake up at 3 am for his work. I was awake the whole time in bed with my mind wandering around. So many thoughts going on in my brain and I could'nt shut it off. Then I have to go to the bathroom often. Though I went back to sleep when hubby left for work but only slept for 2 hours I think. So, I now I felt tired. I'm not sure if I can take a nap coz I'm not use to taking a nap during the day.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Calling the Philippines the cheaper way

Calling my parents to the Philippines usually cost me 10 to 12 dollars just for an hour to talk to them since I am using direct call from our home phone. I always call them once a month but lately I decided to cut back on my spending in international calls and thought of just using international calling cards to be able to save. If I use Philippine calling cards it will only cost me half of what I usually spend since it would only cost 10 cents a minute with no connection fee and I could buy these cards for as low as five dollars. That’s really a great deal. I can still keep in touch with my loved ones in the Philippines and spend less.

It's a baby boy!

We just got back from my OB appointment for an ultrasound. Yes, it's a baby boy! Hubby already figured it out from the beginning that it's gonna be a baby boy and with mama's cursing tongue it surely came true. Although I was hoping for a baby girl but I am very happy to find out that it's a boy and to me the gender doesn't really matter as long as the baby is healthy and normal. My OB did a full anatomy of our baby from head to toe and everything looked perfectly fine and normal. he checked the heart, the spine, kidneys, the face, lips, hands, arms, legs and feet and everything and it's all good. It didn't take long to find out the baby's gender because the baby was in a good position to show off what he got. Ha,ha,... Hubby and I are so excited. The next thing is figure out what the baby's name will be.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Colon cleansing with Dual Action Cleanse

Looking for a Colon Cleanser that works naturally safe to remove and eliminate the toxins in your digestive system? Check this colon cleanse formula that is out in the market today. Dual Action Cleanse is a natural colon cleanser that helps detoxify the digestive system for a healthy body. It is specially formulated to assist the body get rid of the accumulated excess waste that have built up in your digestive system which includes the colon. Start living a healthy life from the inside out with Dual Action Cleanse. To find out more about the healthy benefits of this natural herbal colon cleanser check the website now.

Pregnancy at 19 Weeks

How the baby's growing:

The baby's sensory development is exploding! Her/his brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she/he may be able to hear mother's voice now.

The baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large heirloom tomato. Baby's arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her/his body now. Kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her/his scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

Here's how the baby looks like at 19 weeks courtesy of

Monday, February 2, 2009


Toxins in the body are a great threat to one’s health. There are lots of detoxifying products sold in the market today like Zeocleanse which is made from 100% pure organic zeolite powder. It’s a great and powerful antioxidant that is safe and gentle to the body. It’s very easy and quick to prepare just mix 1 tsp of Zeocleanse with a glass of distilled water or juice to create a zeolite liquid and drink it up to 3 times a day. To find out more about the health benefits of Zeocleanse check the
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