
Monday, February 9, 2009

It's a baby boy!

We just got back from my OB appointment for an ultrasound. Yes, it's a baby boy! Hubby already figured it out from the beginning that it's gonna be a baby boy and with mama's cursing tongue it surely came true. Although I was hoping for a baby girl but I am very happy to find out that it's a boy and to me the gender doesn't really matter as long as the baby is healthy and normal. My OB did a full anatomy of our baby from head to toe and everything looked perfectly fine and normal. he checked the heart, the spine, kidneys, the face, lips, hands, arms, legs and feet and everything and it's all good. It didn't take long to find out the baby's gender because the baby was in a good position to show off what he got. Ha,ha,... Hubby and I are so excited. The next thing is figure out what the baby's name will be.

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