
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pregnancy at 26 Weeks

I'm at 26 weeks pregnant today and yesterday started my 6 mos pregnancy. Everything seems doing pretty good with my pregnancy and my baby. He is growing more actively and he moves a lot inside my tummy. Hubby can feel him more and more when he touch tummy. Here's another info from on how the baby is growing at 26 weeks.

How the baby's growing:

The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

On debt consolidation

Having trouble coping up with debt payments every month? Get Debt Consolidation Help from the experts at debt and lower your monthly payments, save money and be able to get out of debt the shortest possible period of time. offers services that help individuals wanting to get financial freedom and become debt free. It’s a great source of information to find out about debt card consolidation, debt settlement and credit counseling. is operated by largest debt referral firm, they can refer you to any firm that will help resolve your debt concerns. Visit the website now and get your free debt consolidation.

Shopping for baby stuff

Yesterday, Mom came over to visit us. We were glad to see her again this week. It's always been great to have her around and visit with her. She is such an awesome mom (in-law). We went shopping around to different stores in town to start looking for baby stuffs like stroller, car seat and carrier. We were looking for the one's that has a good cushion to keep the baby more comfortable but we couldn't find the good one that we liked. We didn't buy any yet because we were just checking and looking for a good quality and style with a reasonable price too. Anyways, it's still too early to buy baby stuffs but it's really fun and exciting to shop and look around for baby stuffs.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Muck Boots available at

For a very comfortable and a high performance footwear try Muck Boots from the original Muck Boot company brand footwear where they sell top of the line and more than 40 styles of rubber boots and shoes that are designed for use in tough conditions in work, agriculture, lawn, outdoor sporting, garden, equine, and pet care. If you are looking for 100% waterproof boots, lightweight, flexible and buoyant? Mack Boots is the way to go. Learn more about Mack Boots and Mack Shoes for men and women or get yourself a pair of these top of the line footwear only at Hanks Clothing has been a leading provider of outdoor gears and clothing since 1949 so visit the website and start shopping online.

Hyper boy

My little boy is very active moving, kicking, and punching inside my tummy. He is a hyper boy I guess. I just felt him a minute ago while I am sitting here doing my blog. He moves a lot especially when I just get done eating and when I am hungry. In the evenings when I lay down to bed and early in the morning I always feel him move around. As he grows bigger and bigger his kicks and punches are getting stronger and stronger too. Well, I hope when he gets out of my tummy he won't be a hyper boy but will be a calm one.

Police equipment at the lowest price

If you are looking for holster, weapon lights, flashlights, handcuffs, enforcement gears and other police equipment, L.A. Police Gear is the best place to find all of these products that are sold in different top brands such as 5.11 Tactical series, Blackhawk, Galco and many more. L.A. Police Gear sells a wide a selection of high quality products at the lowest price you can get. Spend less and make your money’s worth especially in this economic crisis, get all your gears and police equipments at L.A. Police Gear visit the website at and find out more about their products and services

On debt consolidation

Everyone is facing financial hardship as the economy keeps going down. Many are having are hard time coping up with their mortgage payments, utility bills and even credit card bills and a lot of people are in so much debt right now. I hope things will be better soon and everyone will find relief to all these financial hardship. If you are one of those who would like to find financial relief and get debt free check this site is a debt consolidation resource that offers the best debt consolidation options for you.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pregnancy at 24 Weeks

How the baby's growing:

The baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, bu t that will start to change soon.

How Life is Chaging:

"In the past few weeks, the top of your uterus has risen above your belly button and is now about the size of a soccer ball.

Most women have a glucose screening test (also called a glucose challenge test or GCT) between now and 28 weeks. This test checks for gestational diabetes, a pregnancy-related high-blood-sugar condition. Untreated diabetes increases your risk of having a difficult vaginal delivery or needing a cesarean section because it causes your baby to grow too large, especially in his upper body. It also raises your baby's odds for other complications like low blood sugar right after birth. A positive result on your GCT doesn't mean you have gestational diabetes, but it does mean that you'll need to take the glucose tolerance test (GTT) to find out for sure."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Designer perfumes at My Fragrance Room

Perfumes, perfumes, perfumes most women love perfumes and if you are looking for designer perfumes check My Fragrance Room and you will find a wide selection of designer brand name perfumes as well as colognes, skin and hair care, aromatherapy and much more. It’s your one stop shop online when it comes to genuine and 100% original brand names of fragrances and beauty products at their lowest and affordable prices you can get. My Fragrance Room is also the leading online source for designer perfumes so visit their website and browse the wide range of different brand names of perfumes and colognes you might like.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Prenatal Check Up

Just had my prenatal check up yesterday and I'm glad that everything went well. My OB was glad that I'm gaining weight, I'm 108.2 lbs at this time. My blood pressure was normal as well as the baby's heartbeat. My OB measure my tummy and he said it's perfectly normal. So, hubby and I were glad that everything is ok. My next appointment will be on April 6 and my OB said the next time we come back I will do a glucose screening. He already gave me the glucola drink that I need to drink 30 minutes before my OB appointment then after an hour they will draw blood from me to check my sugar level. Hopefully, things will be fine so I won't get gestational diabetes.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Check the best price for auto parts

The best way to get affordable auto parts for any type of vehicle can be found at It’s an online store when you are looking for any kind of auto parts for any major auto makers. They sell a wide selection of car parts, truck parts, import or performance parts and automotive accessories guaranteed to be the lowest price you can get. offers full warranty on every auto parts they sell and free shipping on orders above $50. It’s the best price you can get anywhere. Do you need auto parts to bring your vehicle back in to shape? Check it out at

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pregnancy at 23 Weeks

How the baby's growing:

Baby's sense of movement is well developed by now, he can feel his mommy dance when radio is turned on and sway to the music. He is now more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), I already see him squirm underneath my clothes. Blood vessels in his lungs are developing for breathing and the sounds that the baby's increasingly kken ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises such as dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner - probably won't faze him when he hears them outside the womb.

How life is changing:

Ankles and feet may start to swell a bit in the coming weeks or months, especially at the end of the day or during the heat of summer. Sluggish circulation in the legs — coupled with changes in your blood chemistry that may cause some water retention — may result in swelling, also known as edema. Body will get rid of the extra fluid after the baby is born, which is why you'll pee frequently and sweat a lot for a few days after delivery. In the meantime, it is best lie on your left side or put your feet up when you can, stretch out your legs when you sit, and avoid sitting — or standing — in one place for long periods. Also, try to exercise regularly to increase circulation, and wear support stockings (put them on first thing in the morning) and roomy, comfortable shoes. You may be tempted to skimp on liquids to combat swelling, but you need to drink plenty of water because staying hydrated actually helps prevent fluid retention. While a certain amount of edema in your lower extremities is normal during pregnancy, excessive swelling may be a sign of a serious condition called preeclampsia. Be sure to call your midwife or doctor if you have severe or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles, more than slight swelling of your hands, swelling in your face, or puffiness around your eyes.

Friday, March 6, 2009


It has been more than two years that hubby and I got married. Time flies by so fast, I could still remember how hubby prepared and planned things for our wedding before I came here in the US and of course with the help of my sister in law who was in Florida too made our wedding day a successful one. I was still in the Philippines when hubby made preparations for our wedding, from selecting my wedding gown, veil, tiara, shoes, wedding rings to the wedding reception. All throughout we plan it together online. Thank God for all the information and wedding guide sites that were available over the internet we were able to get all the things we needed for the wedding day and by the time I came here in the US everything were ready.
If you are looking for a wedding guide site check Bridology which provides a lot of information on wedding gifts, wedding favors, bridal jewelry, fashion, and other wedding ideas. It’s a great source of finding articles with a wider range of topics such as wedding tips, dresses, budgeting and other wedding related topics. If you are a bride to be or groom to be Bridology will be a perfect site to check as you are preparing and planning for your big day.

Heartburn and Pregnancy

Most likely. Many women experience heartburn for the first time during pregnancy — and though it's common and generally harmless, it can be quite uncomfortable.

Heartburn (also called acid indigestion or acid reflux) is a burning sensation that often extends from the bottom of the breastbone to the lower throat. It's caused by some of the hormonal and physical changes in your body.

During pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus. This hormone also relaxes the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach, allowing gastric acids to seep back up, which causes that unpleasant burning sensation.

Progesterone also slows down the wavelike contractions of your esophagus and intestines, making digestion sluggish. Later in pregnancy, your growing baby crowds your abdominal cavity, pushing the stomach acids back up into the esophagus.

Many women start experiencing heartburn and other gastrointestinal discomforts in the second half of pregnancy. Unfortunately, it usually comes and goes until your baby is born.

What to do About It :

Though you may not be able to eliminate heartburn entirely, you can take steps to minimize your discomfort:

• Avoid food and beverages that cause you gastrointestinal distress. The usual suspects are carbonated drinks; alcohol (which you should avoid anyway during pregnancy); caffeine; chocolate; acidic foods like citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, mustard, and vinegar; processed meats; mint products; and spicy, highly seasoned, fried, or fatty foods.

• Don't eat big meals. Instead, eat several small meals throughout the day. Take your time eating and chew thoroughly.

• Avoid drinking large quantities of fluids during meals — you don't want to distend your stomach. (It's important to drink eight to ten glasses of water daily during pregnancy, but sip it between meals.)

• Try chewing gum after eating. Chewing gum stimulates your salivary glands, and saliva can help neutralize acid.

• Don't eat close to bedtime. Give yourself two to three hours to digest before you lie down.

• Sleep propped up with several pillows or a wedge. Elevating your upper body will help keep your stomach acids where they belong and will aid your digestion.

• Gain a sensible amount of weight, and stay within the guidelines your healthcare provider suggests.

• Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Avoid any tightness around your waist and tummy.

• Bend at the knees instead of at the waist.

• Don't smoke — in addition to contributing to a host of serious health problems, smoking boosts stomach acidity. (Ideally, smoking is a habit you should break before getting pregnant. If you're still smoking and are having trouble quitting, ask your caregiver for a referral to a smoking-cessation program.)

• An over-the-counter antacid that contains magnesium or calcium may ease discomfort, but check with your prenatal caregiver before taking one, because some brands contain aluminum or aspirin or are high in sodium.

If these measures don't help, talk to your caregiver about prescription heartburn medications that are safe during pregnancy.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

More than 80,000 deskstop wallpapers

I am looking for a nice deskstop wallpaper that I can put on my screen since I never have one. I search the internet and found this newest website that has over 80,000 high quality wallpapers to choose from which are mostly Movie Wallpapers from different movies that have been shown in theaters lately. If you would like to get one for yourself check out the site you might find one that you like best.

Facial Wash for me

My skin have been breaking out more and more during my pregnancy. I have used a facial wash before for my pimples but had to stopped using it because I was scared that it's not safe for pregnancy. I was searching online to see what facial wash is best and safe to use and found this Acne Clearing Facial Wash by Belli which is really made for pregnant women. I have been using this everyday and it really works great for me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Exterior shutters

If you are looking for the best and high quality exterior shutters for your home look no further. Larson Shutter Company is your best choice to find affordable premium quality shutters. Larson has a wide array of exterior shutters to choose from as they offer the largest selection available there is when it comes to all your exterior shutter needs. Just check them online at and find out more about their products, special offers and services. Order your exterior shutters online easily with their safe and secure ordering. You might as well check to find out how you can get their free shipping promo before it expires.

Pregnancy at 22 Weeks and 4 days

I am at 22 weeks and 4 days of my pregnancy. Everything is doing good and I am feeling good as well. I'm getting used to the discomforts that I always feel in my sciatic nerve. My tummy is getting bigger and bigger now. At 22 weeks, my baby is moving a lot and hubby can feel his movements more often too when he touch my tummy. Couple of days ago one of the exciting things that I have experienced was when I saw my tummy moved as I felt my baby move around inside my tummy. That was the first time I saw my little boy squirmed underneath my clothes when he moved. Hubby saw it too and got excited. My little boy is surely getting stronger and stronger each day coz his kicks and punches are getting harder and harder.

Here's a quick info from on what is going on at 22 weeks of pregnancy:

"At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, the baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily".
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