
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Great site for mom's to be like me

I am now at 28 weeks and 4 days of my pregnancy. I can’t believe how time flies by so fast. There are only less than 12 weeks to wait until my due date which is on July 4th. He is going to be a 4th of July baby if he comes right in time. Right now my tummy is really getting bigger and bigger and it’s getting more and more uncomfortable each day.
Hubby and I have already started buying some stuffs for the baby like crib, stroller, car seat and baby carrier. I still need to review and go over with my baby checklist and make sure that I have everything I need by the time the baby comes. I still need to find out what other stuffs I should need for the baby and maybe start making a newborn checklist to make sure everything is ready and packed them in a separate bag to take to the hospital when the time comes. I am getting more and more excited as my due date is getting nearer and nearer.
This will be my first baby and a first time mom as well. I have been getting a lot of information with regards to pregnancy, birth and parenting from different websites. Just lately I found another informative site like Tiny Tot Lot which talks a lot about new born babies especially designed for moms to get informed about any topics related to babies. This is really a very informative website Tiny Tot Lot has a lot of informative topics and articles from new born checklist or baby checklist, creating space for your baby like the baby nursery, things you need for your baby’s bedding, keeping your baby healthy, and a lot more articles and tips for moms. It is surely a great source of information online. If you are a first time mom like me and is expecting soon? Do you want to find out if your baby checklist is already complete or still don’t know what else to add on it? Planning to set up a baby shower and don’t know how to do it? Well, Tiny Tot Lot has all the ideas and information you can get so check it out at and find out more details. What’s more neat about this site is that it also leads you or recommends you to another websites that will help you find the things you need. What a great source isn’t it?

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