
Monday, April 20, 2009

Prenatal Check Up today

Hubby and I had another OB appointment today for my regular prenatal check up. The nurse checked my weight, I am at 117.8 lbs which showed that I'm gaining more weight. Nurse checked my urine too and she said that it was normal, blood pressure was perfectly normal as well as the baby's heartbeat. My OB came in to measure my tummy and he said that it measured normal. I'm glad that everything went well with my prenatal check up today. My OB said that he is going to see me every two weeks until my 36 weeks and a weekly visit from 36 weeks until I give birth. The nurse hand me a paper entitled "Pregnancy Pathways" at St. Mary's Hospital. Pregnancy Pathways is a one hour, individualized session with a registered nurse from the Maternal-Child unit. Pre -admission forms are completed, questions are answered, patient education is offered and a tour of the facility is provided.

Topics covered may also include:
Visitor Policies
Birth Plan Options
Couplet Care
Newborn Medications
Lab Work
Cord Care and
Discharge Packet

Hubby still going to call the hospital and schedule the appointment when we can go there.

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