
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Three months old

Tyler is now 3 months and 1 week old, I couldn't beleive how fast the day goes by and how fast a baby can grow. My little one has been doing great. At 3 months he can make different sounds now. He goos and gurgles more and more. I have been teaching him to say mama and dada and I have been talking to him. It's really fun when he starts talking back to me even though the words he utters they are not recognizable yet. I loved to tickle him when I change his clothes because he would laugh out loud. I have been teaching him to hold his bottle when I am feeding him. He started holding his bottle although he can't control his hands yet. Last night, while I was feeding him I showed hubby how he held his bottle and he was very surprised at Tyler holding his bottle.

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