
Sunday, January 31, 2010

My car needs oil change

I told hubby that my car is due for oil change. I have two days off Sunday and Monday but Mondays are really busy day for us because it’s the only day that we could do errands together. I don’t know when I would be able to do the oil change or maybe by the time we can do it, my car might need tune up as well. Hubby has been planning to have my car fixed because it has some dents and ding when a drunk driver bump into hubby’s daughter’s  car that was parked along the roadside in front of our house and then hit the back of my car too. My car has a sentimental value to us and hubby and I want to take care of it and keep it as much as we can because it was given to me by my mom-in-law and she valued it so much because of the memories my mom-in-law had with my dad-in-law was still alive. Anyways, hubby is still looking for places to have it done. With the use of the internet, we could be able to search places locally that would offer us a great deal when it comes to auto repair like the I find it very convenient to use this website when it comes to auto repair because it has a lot of information you can find like looking for auto repair shops in your area or even find out how much you could pay for repair with their repair price estimator. Check out and find information about common problems, reviews and recalls on different cars like Honda, Acura Integra, Toyota and other known brands before buying them. If you are looking for an easy access to locate Colorado or Houston auto repair shops or any place where you live just check

Tyler is 7 months

I'm enjoying my 2 days off from work. I just put Tyler in his crib as he is asleep. He has been fuzzy earlier which I think because he is not feeling well. He hasn't been eating good. I guess he has more teeth coming. Everytime I feed him he would just suck a little bit of his milk and then start chewing and biting his bottle's nipple. He already has his 2 bottom teeth when he was 6 mos old. I checked on his top from gum and I saw some whitish color  which look like two teeth will be coming out pretty soon. Tyler has just turned 7 mos old on the 23rd of January and he is growing bigger and bigger. He has mastered to roll over from his back to his tummy although he doesn't like to stay longer on his tummy because he would roll over on his back right away. he had learned to seat up by himself first before rolling over. Sometimes he gets frustrated because when he is on his tummy he would lift his chest higher as if he wants to crawl but he doesn't know how to do it yet. He has also learned to hold his bottle during feeding time and he loved to be in his walker. he would take off and run especially when he sees our dog "bandit" run. He has learned to grab things and when you take it from him he would cry. He has also learned to put his arms up high and then cry when he wants to be picked up. Tyler is a good and happy boy. I love every minute spending time with him. It is great to be a mom!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rolled over for the first time

I am so happy and proud of my baby because finally for the very first time he rolled over on his tummy without my help. I put him Tyler on the floor in the living room after he got tired of his jumper. We have been waiting for this time for Tyler to learn to roll over because he is already 6 mos. I have taught him how to do it although we know that he can do it because he could roll on his side close to enough to get on to his tummy but he won't do it himself. He an roll over from his tummy to his back first  though. He was on the floor for awhile while I was folding our clean laundry and hubby was watching TV. Then hubby just told me, "honey look, (pointing Tyler) that he was on his tummy. So, I quickly grab the camera and took pictures of him before he roll on his back. And so hubby and I clapped our hands and applauded him for doing a great job.

There he goes....

Health insurance for the family

I have been working as a CNA for almost 4 months now and have not enrolled to any health insurance plan from our company because it is so expensive. Hubby and I are still shopping online for cheaper health plan for the family. We are also looking into getting affordable dental plan for both of us. As I am looking and searching online I came across with Ameriplan and have check on their medical plan which I could not believe since they are a lot cheaper compared to most of the medical plan that I already checked. So, I just told hubby to check their website and see if it’s the right one that we need and if they offer vision plan aside from the health, prescription and dental plan and how much it would cost the entire family for a total health insurance package. If they were the most affordable healthcare insurance we would definitely sign up for it.


Time flies by so fast I that I have not updated my blog for months. I have been so busy with work and home. Anyways, let me share you of what's going on about my little one. Tyler is already 6 months and 3 weeks old and he is great. At 6 mos, his two bottom teeth came out already which is really early compared to some of my friend's son's teeth started to come out at 10 months. Tyler had started eating solid foods (gerber) and he likes bananas, peaches, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, prunes. applesauce but green beans. We introduce him to sippy cup last night with diluted apple juice in it and he did pretty good.
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