
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rolled over for the first time

I am so happy and proud of my baby because finally for the very first time he rolled over on his tummy without my help. I put him Tyler on the floor in the living room after he got tired of his jumper. We have been waiting for this time for Tyler to learn to roll over because he is already 6 mos. I have taught him how to do it although we know that he can do it because he could roll on his side close to enough to get on to his tummy but he won't do it himself. He an roll over from his tummy to his back first  though. He was on the floor for awhile while I was folding our clean laundry and hubby was watching TV. Then hubby just told me, "honey look, (pointing Tyler) that he was on his tummy. So, I quickly grab the camera and took pictures of him before he roll on his back. And so hubby and I clapped our hands and applauded him for doing a great job.

There he goes....


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Myrna said...

wow sis ang laki na! time flies so fast talaga. so cute!

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