
Friday, October 29, 2010

Little Bear

Guest post written by Brian Workman

Little Bear demonstrates for children how to share and care about other people, and shows them how to relate to the world around them. Little Bear is just that. A little Bear. He lives with mother bear and father bear. His friends are duck, cat, owl, and hen. He also has a little girl friend called Emily, who has a doll that plays with the bunch called Lucy. These seven friends explore the forest where they live and see all sorts of new things. In one episode they had to deal with a group of frogs that was keeping duck up all night. The friends built a home for duck in hopes of getting her some quiet so she could sleep, but it ended up that duck needed to sleep under the stars where she could look up and see them at night. The stars make her feel safe. Watching this on my satellite tv from makes the pictures seem more clear, almost like you are under those stars with duck. In the end, the frogs took the home that was built for duck. They said they were making all that noise becasue they were discussing where they could get together and meet to talk every night. Totally cute! My child adores when the problems get fixed, and claps loudly when all the problems are solved.

International Buffet

We just got home from having our late lunch at the International Buffet. We love to go there every now and then. Hubby and I took our little one Tyler with us and he ate pretty much. We were running some errands this morning. We went to some bookstores like Borders because hubby needed to get a book but it Borders didn't have it and so we went to Barnes and Nobles and hubby got the book that he wanted to get. Tyler liked the children's book area because there was a lot of books and some toys to play with. He liked to sit on a small chair with a little table like he was in a school classroom. So, we spent a little bit of time in that area so he could have some fun.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Time for Halloween

This is a guest post from Hong Alexander

With the end of October looming, chances are the kids are getting antsy for Halloween. The first step in assuring a great experience for all is to put safety first. Come up with a plan, if your kids are going off on their own make sure they will be with a group. Have a designated meeting place and time, as well as restrictions on how far away they're allowed to venture. This will ensure your piece of mind as well. After getting the munchkins ready make sure their costume is free of anything that could be a safety hazard, such as hanging pieces around the head/neck area for the little ones. Make sure that anyone wearing a mask can see clearly.
After the kids are ready, it's time to set off around the neighborhood. The kids know where their favorite candy can be found, and everyone has to make a stop at the haunted maze on the corner. After we meet at our meeting spot we head home and scan the candy. Everyone gets a ration then the rest is combined and put away. After the kids head to bed we flip on the satellite TV we got through Cannon Satellite online deals, grab some candy and turn on our favorite scary movie.

Can't go back to sleep

Can't go back to sleep after I went to the bathroom at around 3:00 am. I tried to lay down in bed but my mind is just wandering and could not fall asleep. So I decided to get up and heated Tyler's bottle of milk in case he wakes up. Then, sat on the chair and turned on hubby's computer and check my emails, facebook and just browsing the internet. It's past 5 am right now and Tyler just woke up and is now drinking his bottle. I just changed his diaper and he will just go back to sleep. Hopefully, I can get some more sleep before it get's daylight.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Surfing The Web

I was surfing the internet the other day and came across some clothing that was for sale. The website offered custom t-shirts. My imagination just started running wild about what I could have done, I was thinking about funny quotes and sayings, and then I was thinking about more serious quotes that made me begin to ponder and reflect. The site had such a variety of not just clothing, but everything imaginable from shoes, to various types and examples of art posters, to mailing labels, gift boxes, various ornaments, and even videos. I often find myself bouncing from one topic or goods to another as I am spending time on my computer surfing the world wide web. I did find some bracelets that I just had to have, I haven’t purchased them yet, but their in my shopping cart just waiting for me to point and click. Another wonderful day surfing. Now there’s something we can all look forward to.

Afternoon Thirst

Earlier this afternoon hubby and I had to run an errand, while we were out and about we decided to stop by A&W Root-Beer to quench our thirst. Why is it that A&W root-beer taste soooo good? It's a soft drink that I don't get very often, but when I do it's soooo good and refreshing. After our quick stop for a thirst cure we continued on to our final destination, Barnes & Nobble where we enjoyed some quiet time relaxing and thumbing through a few books. 


Have you ever wondered about the internet and how it all works? If you figure it out let me know. The other day I was just browsing around on the internet and saw some adds pop up about webhosting. I wondered what that meant so because of the great resources that the internet has, I was able to understand was it meant by the term webhosting. I love the internet and I love the unlimited ability to search any topic known to man, and poof, up comes thousands if not millions of hits. It is amazing the technology that we have at our disposal in the world today. Who would have ever thought twenty years ago that we would have the ability to research, discover and replicate technology so quickly and be so precise. What a wonder tool we have with the internet at our fingertips. I am going to dig deeper and find out more about webhosting and the various options that are available, who knows maybe someday I will need it.

Pumpkin Monster

This is a picture of the pumpkin that my hubby made earlier, nice job, scary huh?

Religious Christmas Cards

Wow, have you checked out the calendar lately? Christmas is just right around the corner. It doesn’t seem possible that a year can disappear so quickly. They say the older you get the faster time flies by. Last year after Christmas was over I went to the store to do some shopping, Imagine that haha. I was at the mall and walked into a card shop, they had some religious Christmas cards on clearance so I picked up 4 packs. I kept two packs and gave two of my friends a pack each. I love shopping after Christmas, there are so many good deals to be had. While I was in the mall I stopped into a clothing store and found some terrific buys on a few tee shirts that were on clearance. One of the shirts had a beautiful depiction of the nativity that I just couldn’t refuse. I don’t know about you but it’s very hard for me to pass up on great deals, especially when I’ve got the shopping bug biting away at me. I find it very exciting to shop right after Christmas, I guess to me it feels like the Christmas spirit is still in full bloom and it cause my shopping fever to begin to boil.

Snow in the mountains

It's been a cold weather these past few days. While driving going to school this afternoon. I saw the mountain cap covered with snow from a distance. I felt the cold breeze when I came out from my car and I felt my body was shevering from the cold wind. Delta is a lot colder than Grand Junction. I told my Filipina classmate that it felt like it's already winter and I do not look forward to it. Although I get excited when I see the snow but I just don't like the cold weather.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Flipping Out

Contribution by Prince Raymond

One of the best reality shows out there is a show called Flipping Out on Bravo. I never miss an episode on satellite tv from It's a show based on buying crappy homes, fixing them up and reselling them for tons of cash. If only things were that easy. The show follows Jeff Lewis and his band of misfits. Jeff has obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD which causes him to do nutty things all the time. Jenni Pulos, his right hand woman, thinks he's over his rocker, but also believes crazy people can be geniuses. Their non-relationship style relationship is what drives this show as they tend to bicker like a married couple as if they were on a real TV show that featured them as the classic love interests who aren't interested in each other. The other primary personality on the show has to be Zoila Chavez, who is Jeff's live-in housekeeper and surrogate mother. Watching her and Jeff's unique relationship and humor is always good for a few laughs. It's unbelievable how often I find myself cracking up at their silly little jokes about Zoila always taking a day off when in fact she never takes days off no matter what. The dogs (Oliver, Casey, "little" Chris) and cats (Stewie and Monkey) are also what makes this show. The shenanigans they cause leave you on the floor laughing your head off!

First Prenatal Check -Up

I had my first prenatal check up the other week and everything turned out well. I was glad to see that I gained 4 lbs after at 12 weeks. I was so worried at first couple of weeks because I haven't gained any weight at all. That's why I decided to quit working as CNA because it's stressing me out so much plus I have school twice a week aside from taking care of my baby Tyler. I had my first ultrasound and we saw the baby kicked it's legs and stretched it's arms. Heart rate was normal, urine was ok and my OB-GYN said everything looked great. I also had a series of blood tests done which they draw 5 vials of blood from me and got a message from the OB-GYN's office that all the blood tests results were normal. I am happy to know about it and hoping that my entire pregnancy will be fine.
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