
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Religious Christmas Cards

Wow, have you checked out the calendar lately? Christmas is just right around the corner. It doesn’t seem possible that a year can disappear so quickly. They say the older you get the faster time flies by. Last year after Christmas was over I went to the store to do some shopping, Imagine that haha. I was at the mall and walked into a card shop, they had some religious Christmas cards on clearance so I picked up 4 packs. I kept two packs and gave two of my friends a pack each. I love shopping after Christmas, there are so many good deals to be had. While I was in the mall I stopped into a clothing store and found some terrific buys on a few tee shirts that were on clearance. One of the shirts had a beautiful depiction of the nativity that I just couldn’t refuse. I don’t know about you but it’s very hard for me to pass up on great deals, especially when I’ve got the shopping bug biting away at me. I find it very exciting to shop right after Christmas, I guess to me it feels like the Christmas spirit is still in full bloom and it cause my shopping fever to begin to boil.

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