
Saturday, November 20, 2010

How I Get My Home Ready for Winter

Guest post written by Sidney Owens

Getting my house ready for winter is not the highlight of my year. It takes me at least a week to finish the entire process. It is important to do this though because the house needs to be as warm as possible in order to keep down our heating costs.
The first thing that I do is remove the air conditioners from all of the windows in the house. After this, I install storm windows in my windows. I like to replace mine every five years and I then seal the windows with plastic on the inside in case there are any cracks. After this, I install my storm doors in my home. The storm doors help to keep out the cold and thee wind and make my property even more secure which is a huge plus.
Finally, I make sure that my heat pump is working. I also have someone come and clean my furnace so that we do not have to deal with furnace issues when it is cold. Then, I put gas in my generator and start it up to make sure that it works. The process is long and tedious but it makes me feel like a productive man that is looking out for his family and his wallet. After I am finished, I plan to sit on the couch and watch Direct TV and know that I have a completely winterized home.

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