
Monday, November 22, 2010

Keeping My Home Safe While Visiting My Best Friend

A guest post written by Wm Rowe

Whoever coined the adage “Never say never!” was a wise person, because I have discovered that the phrase inevitably holds true when a person uses the word “never” in regard to any situation. At least, this is what I have experienced in my own life, which is how Dawn came to be my best friend.
Dawn and I used to work together and she was one of those people who just rubbed me the wrong way; her mannerisms irritated me and I told myself that I would never become friends with her. After working with her for a few months, I discovered that she and I shared something in common: we were both suffering from discrimination at our workplace. We started spending time together during lunch and as we got to know one another, we started connecting on a personal level which led to visiting each others' homes and meeting each others' families. I tend to shy away from close, personal relationships and I had not had a close female friend since I was a child, so when Dawn and I started connecting so quickly, it was exciting and scary all at the same time.
Time has passed since Dawn and I first met and our friendship has grown from questionable to solid and true. She has taught me to look beyond the superficial make-up of a person and focus on the similarities people share as well as how they make you feel. Dawn has been there for me through significant health problems, through heartache and joy, and I have done the same for her. We spend time shopping, sharing meals, and just hanging out, usually at her house because her Internet connection speed is much speedier than mine. Each time I visit her, and I visit her often, I make sure to set my home security alarm from so I can continue to come home to happy pets and safe belongings.

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