
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Knitting for Fun

Written by  Constance Hayden

My knitting experience is very limited. Because I am a left handed person, it was very difficult for me to learn how to knit. Everyone who taught me was right handed and I would have to take everything they showed me and turn it around. Needless to say, many of my first projects came out looking not quite as lovely as I wanted. In fact, they were downright ugly.
I bought many books on learning how to knit, but, again mostly written for the right handed knitter. I even learned how to take a mirror to the pictures in the books and have them reverse for me. This didn't really help with the quality of my knitting. Finally I met a lady who was left handed and was a terrific knitter. I convinced her to teach me to knit properly and now my knitting projects all come out looking as they should.
I love to knit now and have managed to make quite a few projects, blankets, hats, scarves and even a sweater. They are all beautiful and everyone I have given one to loves them. Knitting helps me to relax and I especially love to knit while sitting and watching my satellite television from It took me many years to finally learn to do it right and my goal now is to teach as many left handed persons to knit as I can.

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