
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Touches of nature on our Christmas tree

Guest post written by Georgia Hammel

When I was putting up our Christmas tree about a week ago, I got to looking at it once all the ornaments were on and it was lit up. There just seemed to be something missing. I couldn't really place what it was that it was missing until just a few days ago. Everything on the tree was plastic! I thought that it wouldn't hurt to have something on it that looked a little like it should be on an actual tree.
I looked through some decorating blogs and resources to try and pick out something that I could easily get to put on the tree to add that extra something that it needed. When I was searching for that idea, I came across the website and after reading through most of it, ordered an internet package off of it.
The idea of pine cone ornaments struck me after I looked through a particular blog and couldn't believe that I hadn't thought about it before. It was such a simple idea, but once I put them up on the tree I knew they were the exact thing it needed.

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