
Sunday, November 20, 2011


Since we were moving to our new house last August and got a new job in September in a nursing home. I have tried to search for my nursing uniforms that I have put in the box which I know for a fact that the box was kept in the shed. I looked and searched into the boxes but couldn't find my scrubs so I end up buying new ones that I could wear at work. I bought some scrubs at a nearby store and they were so expensive. I decided to check online to look for good scrubs that are worth the money and came across with this site

 I will check if I could find some good deals on scrub pants since I already bought a couple of tops. I'm on my 2 days off until tomorrow and I'm enjoying and loving it especially spending time with hubby and my two kids.

Two days off work

My two days off from work begins today and it seems that the day just go by so quickly. Me and my family went to church this morning and then we went to Delta to attend baptisms of relatives on hubby's side. It went all good. We had a get together dinner afterward at hubby's brother's house. We just came home an hour and a half ago. My little boys are asleep right now. I'm hoping they through the night and so do I. Tomorrow will be a busy day even if I'm off from work. Don't have time to relax even during days off with 2 boys to take care and chores to do. Oh well, "buhay amerika"!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Career

Author: Joseph Sandoval

I recently decided to stop what I’m doing and decided to take up a new career. I was sick to death of the same old same old every day and my cubicle lifejust wasn’t cutting it for me anymore. I decided to become a fulltime nanny which is exactly what I’d been wanting to do forever but I wanted to do it differently…no being paid in cash under the table. So I went to a friend of mine who’s a graphic designer and asked him to help me with a new business website. I set up a nanny finder site so that parents in the area could find someone like me and only reputable people were allowed membership. I did it all by the book – went to smallbusiness xo for logistical help, got a BBB accreditation and even worked with the local police to do background checks. Business is booming and I still love to nanny although what I do now is a lot more web focused to be honest with you!

Toby is 7 Months

Toby just turned 7 mos, I can't believed how fast he had grown. He is such a happy boy. He smiles and grins most of the time especially when you start talking to him. Him and Tyler looks a lot like each other. At 7 mos Toby can sit up with supervision, can walk using his walker, starts learning to crawl by dragging himself, he is learning to use his arms and legs to crawl and he eats solid foods. Toby is trying to keep up with his older brother and it wouldn't surprise me when he starts learning to walk in 10 mos like Tyler did.When Toby learns to walk him and Tyler will have more fun.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Guest post from: Constance Rodgers

Did you know that there are over one hundred different types of edible oysters? They are a food that you either love or hate. I’ve found that if you love oysters, you really love them. You seize any opportunity you get when you are on the coast to eat them. If you are truly an oyster lover you like them raw. You don’t need a cracker and horseradish. Oyster lovers are content pulling them straight off of the shell and eating them. I was watching direct tv when I was cooking (yes I have a television in my kitchen). There was a show that highlighted Oysters in South Carolina. They were dressing oysters with things I had never seen. Some had wasabi, some had brown sugar, and some were swallowed with bloody mary mix and vodka! All I could think about was how smooth salty flavor of the oyster was being lost, what a shame! For those of us who have moved from the coast to a more landlocked part of the country, seeing destroyed by so many toppings almost break your heart.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Fever with no other symptoms

I woke up yesterday around 3 in the morning to check on Tyler and noticed that he was hot from head down to his arms and legs and thought he might have a fever but when he woke up in the morning he was happy even though he still had the fever. He was at 101 F when we checked his temperature and gave him one dose of medicine and plenty of fluids. We were wondering what caused his fever since he has no other symptoms and no changes in his behavior. Today he still have slight fever but he doesn't complain about it and he slept good through the night. We will observe how it goes throughout the day and hope that his fever will go away soon.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Premium channels FINALLY!

Guest post of the week by Deangelo Spencer

All my life I have wanted to subscribe to the premium channels like HBO and Showtime, but I've never been able to afford it, and my parents certainly weren't interested in getting those networks. Once I got out on my own I started searching on bundles at and found out I was actually going to be able to afford some premium channels! I know it sounds trivial, but I felt like I was missing out so much by not being able to relate with people talked about shows like Entourage or the Sopranos. It's really nice, because I can actually catch up on the shows I haven't been watching, and i finally feel part of the club. Not to mention, these are all really well done shows! I'm also enjoying all the great new release movies the channels have for me. So, I really have no complaints about paying a little extra every month. I can't believe my parents wouldn't have wanted to get HBO while I was growing up.

Tyler will be 2 yrs old

Wow! I can't believe how the days go by and how Tyler have grown so fast. It seems like I just gave birth with Tyler and tomorrow he will be 2 yrs old. He is growing so fast and learning things so quickly. He knows the alphabet and it's sounds. He talks a lot more now, he can express what he wants. Though sometimes he can be so demanding and wants my attention all the time. He is goofy but sometimes he can be moody too. He is very sensitive and very cautious about a lot of things especially when he knows he could get hurt. He is a little bit shy with other kids but he can socialize after awhile and he is good with other kids.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cake Boss

Guest post written by Rolf Tate

Being an avid fan of Ace of Cakes, I was disappointed to here that this season would be it's final season on air. I was pleasantly surprised to find a show very similar to it in Cake Boss on the TLC channel. I already watch a few TV shows on the TLC channel regularly on direct TV and Cake Boss is just another show added to the list. In my humble opinion it is even better than Ace of Cakes. It's really the entire Ace of Cakes concept of either taking on way too many jobs for the week or having to produce a cake that becomes an elaborate thirty hour event. I know what you are thinking, "If it's the same, how is it better?" Two words: Jersey accents. Jersey accents are just way more entertaining and funnier than a bunch of wannabe rock stars using rock n' roll music metaphors. Plus wannabe mobsters are way more entertaining than wannabe rock stars. In addition, not to be mean, but watching them fail is funnier than watching them succeed; and they fail a lot. The show follows Chef Buddy Valastro of Carlo's Bakery in Hoboken, New Jersey as he tries to make ridiculous moving robot cakes, Tower of Pisa cakes and the like. Buddy is your typical arrogant bloke who basically blames everyone but himself when things inevitably go wrong. Seriously, I don't know the first thing about baking cakes, but I do know that cakes aren't supposed to move.

Tyler at 20 Months and 3 weeks

 I can't believe how Tyler grows so fast! He is now 20 months and 3 weeks and have been learning to talk and communicating with us. His learning more words everyday. He is good at saying things he wanted and expressing his feelings. He is active and wants to explore and get involve in everything he sees me do. But he is always cautious just like yesterday when we went to Banana's Fun Park an amusement park where kids can play. Tyler loved to see other children play and jump on those inflated huge stuffs they have but Tyler won't go in and jump because he was too scared. Even though he didn't go and play but still he had fun and enjoyed watching the children and walking around the park.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Driver's License

My Pinay friend called me the other day and told me that she is preparing for her DMV test to get her driver license. She said that she has been studying but she is having a hard time studying her study guide that she got from the local DMV office. I told her to go online and do some DMV practice test which will help her better. She said she did too. I tried to check for other websites that would help her get more DMV cheat sheet so she could prepare herself well and be ready for her test and pass it and then go on to take her driving test and pass it as well. I already got my driver license since 2008 and I am glad that I passed my written and driving test right away. It is a necessity here in the US that you can drive because you will get stuck in the house if you don’t learn to drive and it gives you more independence and more freedom if you can drive. I’m glad I didn’t give up learning to drive when my hubby taught me. He was really helpful in teaching me to drive not to mention his braveness to sit beside me while I’m just learning to drive along the highway.

Earthquake in Japan

It's so horrible to watch the news about the earhtquake that struck Japan yesterday and the damages it brought by the Tsunami. Japan is totally devastated and a lot of people died and their homes were destroyed. I called my parents yesterday when I found out that Philippines was also under high alert for Tsunami. I was glad that my hometown and other places in the Philippines wasn't affected by Tsunami. I also found out that my cousin who lives and works in Japan came back to the Philippines to pick her mother and her daughter to take them to Japan for a vacation were in Manila the other day and were waiting for their flight back to Japan for the next day have missed the catastrophe. I hope that they are really still in Manila while the earthquake and Tsunami happened. It's a divine intervention that and their lives were spared.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wedding Anniversary

I can't believe that it has been 4 years since hubby and I got married. I came here in January 22nd of 2007 and we got married on the 27th. Time flies by so fast, we have been together for 4 years now with our 19 months old Tyler and another baby boy coming along this April. I thank God for all the blessings he showered us through the years of our marriage. Our marriage is not perfect like anybody but we are grateful to God that we are still getting stronger in our relationship. We are praying that blessings will continue to shower us and we will be able to overcome all the challenges of life that come our way. To my hubby, happy 4th wedding anniversary to us. Thank you for all the love and care. I love you!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

On insurance

It’s another beautiful morning with a very nice weather outside. I am hoping that Spring will come early this year. Hubby, me and mom-in-law are waiting for a call from our real estate agent to know if our offer to the property we are buying is approved or not. Right not we are still on negotiation. We have been looking for a property so we could move to our own place and have a less monthly payment than what we owe every month with the rent. We are hoping we could get the house in our price range. We are trying to save money coz we don’t have enough money coming in and with all the utility bills and monthly rent we can’t afford to make ends meet. I told hubby we might as well start looking for cheaper insurance for our car and when have the house we need to have insurance for it too. One thing nice about it is that you can search online insurance quotes easier right in front of your computer and even ask about insurance advice from expert people who has experience with these different insurance companies or even look at their reviews how well they do.

Sleeping in

It's close to 10 in the morning and Tyler is still asleep. I had a peaceful breakfast and now has a chance to do blogging while he is still asleep. He has been waking up every now and then but went back to sleep. I won't bother waking him up, he can sleep as long as he wanted coz this just rarely happens. He will hvae his doctor's appointment though at 1:15 this afternoon for his 18th month check up. I'm sure he will be up before then.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Last minute New Year's resolutions

Guest post written by Ruth Reeves

I've never been one who plans really far ahead of time unless I absolutely have to, I've found a lot of times that things work out better that way, like when I pack at the last minute I don't travel with a bunch of stuff that I don't need. So I actually just my New Year's resolutions a day or two ago.
I only made a few this year too. I normally make way too many that I end up forgetting half of them by the end of January. But even though they were at the last minute this time, I really wanted to make them count. So I went online to get some good inspiration for them. When I was doing that I came across the website and decided to order a satellite internet package from it.
The first of my personal New Year's resolutions is to read my Bible and write in my journal every day. I always feel so much more relaxed when I do both and am determined to keep them up this year.

Sleepless nights

Here I am again up and wide awake at 1:49 am. I went to bed at around 9 pm with my little boy when I put him to bed. I didn't take him long to fall asleep so I stayed in bed until I fell asleep too. Then, I woke up for the need to go to the bathroom which usually happens every single night and then going back to sleep is a struggle as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep. Getting enough sleep at night is really hard for me ever since I have my baby because I have to wake up when he is up in the middle of the night for his milk. Although now that he is more than a year old he only wakes up once at night for his milk and goes back to sleep but I always have a hard time going back to sleep after I wake up. Tyler is even getting better at sleeping through the night coz he usually ask for milk around 4 or 5 in the morning and still goes back to sleep on his own but with my second pregnancy now sleepless nights will never go away I guess.
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