
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Last minute New Year's resolutions

Guest post written by Ruth Reeves

I've never been one who plans really far ahead of time unless I absolutely have to, I've found a lot of times that things work out better that way, like when I pack at the last minute I don't travel with a bunch of stuff that I don't need. So I actually just my New Year's resolutions a day or two ago.
I only made a few this year too. I normally make way too many that I end up forgetting half of them by the end of January. But even though they were at the last minute this time, I really wanted to make them count. So I went online to get some good inspiration for them. When I was doing that I came across the website and decided to order a satellite internet package from it.
The first of my personal New Year's resolutions is to read my Bible and write in my journal every day. I always feel so much more relaxed when I do both and am determined to keep them up this year.

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