
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Driver's License

My Pinay friend called me the other day and told me that she is preparing for her DMV test to get her driver license. She said that she has been studying but she is having a hard time studying her study guide that she got from the local DMV office. I told her to go online and do some DMV practice test which will help her better. She said she did too. I tried to check for other websites that would help her get more DMV cheat sheet so she could prepare herself well and be ready for her test and pass it and then go on to take her driving test and pass it as well. I already got my driver license since 2008 and I am glad that I passed my written and driving test right away. It is a necessity here in the US that you can drive because you will get stuck in the house if you don’t learn to drive and it gives you more independence and more freedom if you can drive. I’m glad I didn’t give up learning to drive when my hubby taught me. He was really helpful in teaching me to drive not to mention his braveness to sit beside me while I’m just learning to drive along the highway.

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