
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Toby is 7 Months

Toby just turned 7 mos, I can't believed how fast he had grown. He is such a happy boy. He smiles and grins most of the time especially when you start talking to him. Him and Tyler looks a lot like each other. At 7 mos Toby can sit up with supervision, can walk using his walker, starts learning to crawl by dragging himself, he is learning to use his arms and legs to crawl and he eats solid foods. Toby is trying to keep up with his older brother and it wouldn't surprise me when he starts learning to walk in 10 mos like Tyler did.When Toby learns to walk him and Tyler will have more fun.

1 comment:

Brey said...

7 months. Wow, congratsss !

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With love.

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