
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The article written by Alonso Kramer

Since we upgraded our internet service at, I have been using the internet a lot more. Recently, we decided to take a trip to New Orleans. I booked the entire trip on-line and even booked dinner reservations, airport shuttles, and things to do around the city on-line. I got a really good deal on our hotel. We stayed at a fabulous hotel next to Harrah’s called “the Windsor Court”. The décor was a little out of date, but the service was great and it was close to everything. Of course, they charged a rate for things at the mini bar, but there was a convenience store located just around the corner that you could get snacks and treats. When we were going out one night, we stopped in the hotel bar to have a drink. It was awesome because while we were there having a drink, we saw Vince Vaughn. He was staying at the same hotel and in the bar! I couldn’t believe how tall he was. He was a lot taller than I thought that he would be. It was an awesome #celebritysighting!

Tyler's Toilet Training

Tyler has been doing great in his toilet training. It has been almost a week that he goes to the bathroom when he wants to go pee and poop and he is doing great about telling us when he needs to go. He is just wearing underwear and no diaper doing the day when he is at home and today he hasn't have any accident yet. At night we put his diaper on when he is in bed but he doesn't wet as much as he used to. I'm glad that he is learning to go to the bathroom now and I'm hoping he will continue to be on top of it. I told him he will be ready for school when he learns to go the bathroom and not wet himself. He said mommy I'm ready to go to school.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Post contributed by Hilton Miranda

Ever since we got Satellite Star Internet I have been able to organize all of my bills and pay them on-line. My aunt told me about an internet site called It has streamlined my life and taken a lot of stress out of keeping up with bills. is basically your own on-line file folder. It takes all of your bills and organizes the balances, due dates, and history in one site. You can navigate from the site to pay all of your bills. At the end of the year it will also print an expense report. I hesitated to use it because I thought that it would be really difficult to set up. I was wrong. It has been a breeze and a lifesaver. One of the best things about it is that it is one of the only services that is still free! You can even tack and manage rewards points. Lately, it let me add my Groupon account! Who knew that the internet could make life so easy!

Toby at 10

There he is at 10 months old. Toby is growing bigger and bigger each day. He is growing perfectly. At 10 months he weighs 20 lbs which is only 3 lbs difference from his big brother Tyler. We believed that he might outgrow Tyler because he is a good eater and not a picky one compared to his older brother. He is getting very mobile, he crawls and walks around holding on to the furniture and walls. He might start walking by himself pretty soon like his Tyler who started walking when he was 10 1/2 months old. 

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