
Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall Season is here

Yes, Fall season is officially here and the wind is getting cooler on this Valley. We have been having a lot of rain but thank God we are not affected by the flooding where the Northern part of Colorado is experiencing. I feel so sorry for those who were affected by the floods.

It's gonna get colder and colder everyday as the year comes to an end.

a pie must be there on the second tuesday of the chinese new year
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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Busy mom

It's been a very busy day, started the day at 5 am got ready for work. Came to work at around 6 in the morning and started my daily routine.


Tyler has a fever since last night. His temperature was 100 F but he is getting better today. He is just resting a lot, taking nap on the coach. I'm glad Toby is not bugging him. I think he understood when I told him to be nice with Tyler because he is not feeling well. I'm hoping that Tyler will get better soon.It's hard and I get worried when my children get sick.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My boys

My boys are doing well, Tyler is 4 yrs old and Toby just turned 2 last April. My Tyler will be attending pre school and he is excited about it. Hubby and I are hoping that he will be ok as he is very clingy. It would be nice to have him develop his social skills because he is a very shy boy with other children.
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